talks & workshops

–         How to Approach Tormented Dreams – “Utilizing Dreams as a Natural Trance” A two days workshop (via zoom) by the Milton H. Erickson Institute of the Bay Area. With Eric Greenleaf PhD.  April 2 and 9, 2022


–         Creativity, Care and Change in Design, Society and Relationships. Lesson on line for the course “The City of Care” (2nd ed), Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano. March 3, 2022


–        «Come un guscio di noce nell’oceano» – questioni di coscienza e cognizione tra autopoiesi e neurofenomenologia (senza dimenticare il “prima” e con un occhio al “dopo”). Lezione on line, Centro Studi Eteropoiesi, 26/02/2022


–          “sciocche, assurde, irrazionali e contraddittorie affermazioni
… una sana e solida base per la terapia”
Milton H. Erickson e la psicoterapia del XXI secolo. Lezione on line, Centro Studi Eteropoiesi, 4 e 5 Giugno, 2021


–            “Sogni. Il legame relazionale tra creatività notturna e diurna” Contributo al seminario Mente e Luoghi – Un approccio multidisciplinare al design della città contemporanea. Biennale Sessions, Biennale Architettura 2021, Venezia, 03/06/2021.


–         Creativity, Care and Change in Design, Society and Relationships. Lesson on line for the course “The City of Care”, Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano. March 2, 2021


–          VOCES Y PRACTICAS DE LA PSICOTERAPIA SISTEMICA Y RELACIONAL HOY – Curso internacional de actualizacion on line. “La perspectiva imaginativa y relacional en la psicoterapia de individuos, parejas y familias” www. 15/12/2020


–         Valorizzare i sogni nelle sessioni di terapia familiare e nel gruppo di supervisione. Seminario on line, Centro Studi Eteropoiesi, 04/04/2020


–          C.E.F.A.P. 9° Congreso Internacional “TERAPIA FAMILIAR – diversidad, desarrollo e integraciòn sistemica”. “El uso de los sueños en las sesiones de terapia familiar y el grupo de supervisión” – taller. Puebla, Mexico, 16/11/2019.


–          C.E.F.A.P. 9° Congreso Internacional “TERAPIA FAMILIAR – diversidad, desarrollo e integraciòn sistemica”. “5 pasos para crear el escenario de la terapia familiar” – taller. Puebla, Mexico, 15/11/2019.


–          EFTA – SIPPR 1Oth Conference “Visible and Invisible: Bordering Change in Systemic Family Therapy”. “Can I come and see you at home? Home sessions in family therapy with children”. Workshop, Napoli 12/09/2019.


–          Centro Studi Eteropoiesi. “La semplicità nei casi difficili – Nuovi contributi dall’Ipnosi Ericksoniana e dalla Terapia Familiare”. Workshop in collaboration with Eric Greenleaf Phd. M.H.E.I.B.A. Director. Torino, May 17 – 18, 2019


–          Centro Studi Eteropoiesi. “Posso venire a casa tua? Vicinanza, creatività e responsabilità dello psicoterapeuta”. Workshop. Torino, November 30, 2018


–          M.H.E.I.B.A. and Universidad Autonomia Gabriel René Moreno. “The systemic approach to growth, change and responsibility” – Workshop, , Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, October, 2018


–          University of Gdańsk. 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference “Dreams, Phantasms and Memory”. “Experiencing the Continuity between Consciousness and Places: the Role of Dreams, Memory and Imagination in the Re-use Design of Dismissed Heritage” (co-authored as second author with Anna Anzani), , Poland, 20-21 September 2018


–        M.H.E.I.B.A. and ERIS. “Imaginative Methods, Dreams and Arts in Human Change and Professional        Help” with Eric Greenleaf. “ 2 days workshop, September 26th and 27th 2017, Milan, Italy


–        5° INTBAU International Annual Event “Heritage, Place, Design: Putting Tradition into Practice”. Presentation: The “Ephemeral Architectures” as an Example of Play and Re-invention in Shared Processes of Creative Knowledge (co-authored with Schinco S.), Milan July,2017


–          Word Organization for Systems and Cybernetics. Int. l Conference “Science with and for Society – Contributions of Cybernetics and Systems” Presentation: “Eleogenetics and its Applications”. January 26th  2017, Rome.


–          Interdisciplinary Research Foundation. Int. l Conference “Dreaming Asleep – Dreaming Awake” Presentation: “Few Theoretical Remarks on a Community Dream-Related Experience: «The Streets of Dreams»”. October 7th – 8th, 2016, Warsaw.


–          Interdisciplinary Research Foundation. Int. l Conference “Dreaming Asleep – Dreaming Awake” Key – note speech: “Dreams and Self-Awareness in the Eleogenetic Key”. October 7th – 8th, 2016, Warsaw.


–          Politecnico di Milano – Università degli Studi di Firenze – Fondazione Monastero S. Maria del Lavello. Conference: “Memory, Beaty and Transdisciplinarity – Reflecting on the newness of Roberto Pane”. Presentation: “Oneiric Thought and Future Oriented  Decisions” September 17, 2016 Calolziocorte (LC).


–    Interdisciplinary Research Foundation & Soteria Foundation. Seminar: “Experiencing the Stuff of Reality – Dreams and Human Change in Psychotherapy and Other Contexts”. March 13th 2016, Warsaw.


–          Interdisciplinary Research Foundation. Int. l Conference on Medical Humanities. II Key – note speech: “Come home, doc! – The Eleogenetic Approach to Therapy”. March 11th – 12th, 2016, Warsaw.


–          Centro di Studi e Applicazione della Psicologia Relazionale. Seminar: Dream between Surprise and Responsibility. Tools for Enhancing the Intimate Bond connecting Dreaming, Feeling and Acting. January 30th, 2016, Prato.


–          University of Gdansk, Un. of Sao Paulo, , McGill University, In-mind Support. International Interdisciplinary Conference “Human Rights, Violence and Dictatorship”. Presentation: “The Human Right to Be a Future Oriented Child”. Dec. 3rd – 4th 2015, Krakow.


–          Interdisciplinary Research Foundation. Int. l Conference “The Place of Memory and Memory of Place”. “Attracted by the future, conditioned by the past, shaped by our decisions … that’s where a place is” (with Sara Schinco). Warsaw, Oct. 22nd – 24th, 2015.


–          Durango Edizioni, Fondazione Eris Onlus. “Dreams and Resilience – Workshop led by Art Funkhouser and Massimo Schinco”. Milano, 19 Settembre 2015.


–          University of Gdansk, Jagellonian University, Center for Holocaust Studies, UESCO, Mc Gill University: International Interdisciplinary Conference “The Holocaust and the Contemporary World”. “Epiphanies of Right, Epiphanies of Evil – Eleogenetic Practices as an Alternative to a ‘problem-based’ Reality”. Krakow, 23rd – 24th April, 2015.


–          Centro di Terapia della Famiglia di Treviglio Az. Osp. Treviglio – Caravaggio. Conference: “Is Family Therapy Useful?” Lecture: “Four steps, or better five, in the therapy room”. “November 21 – 22, 2014 Treviglio.


–          Jagellonian University, Krakow. International interdisciplinary symposium “The anatomy of (un)reason – The birth of mental illness and its fate in (post)modern culture”. “The Systemic Therapy between Science and Intuition (new issue)”. Krakow, Oct. 10th – 11th 2014, Krakow.


–          University of Gdansk, Un. of Sao Paulo, Federal Un. of Paranà, McGill University. Interdisciplinary Conference “Memory: Forgetting and Creating”. “Troubled Spaces: Time, Affections and Memories in Territorial identity Processes” (with Sara Schinco). “Montague Ullman Dream Group – Introduction and Demonstration” (with Judy Gardiner). Gdansk, Sept. 11th – 12th 2014, Gdansk.


–          International Association for the Study of Dreams PsiberDreaming Conference on-line “Dreaming with the Other”. “A part of me remained with her – Being a Loving Community In and Out of Our Dreams”, Sept. 28th – Oct. 12th 2014.


–          University of Gdansk, Un. of Sao Paulo, Federal University of Paranà, McGill University, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. Interdisciplinary Conference “Dreams, Phantasms and Memories”. “Working with Dreams in Systemic Practices and Perspectives”. Sept. 19th – 20th 2013, Gdansk.


–          International Association for the Study of Dreams. “From Computer to Composer: Our Life is a Dream, Our Reality is a Description” IASD International Conference, Virginia Beach, USA June 2013


–          Centro Pavese di Psicoanalisi. “About affects and thoughts: Gioachino Rossini’s “Petite Messe Solennelle” “. Pavia, May 7th 2013.


–          Società Italiana di Ricerca e Terapia Sistemica (S.I.R.T.S.). Congresso Internazionale: Tecniche e strumenti nella clinica sistemica. “The Systemic Psychotherapy between Science and Intuition”. 21 March 2013, Torino.

–          Società Italiana di Psicologia e Psicoterapia Relazionale (S.I.P.P.R.) Conference: “The resources of Relational Therapy”. Presentation: “The work of Gianfranco Cecchin”. March, 8th 2013, Prato.


–          Universities P.U.C. Sao Gabriel, Faculdade Pitagora, FEAD, UNA, P.U.C. II, FUMEC, Universo.Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Lectures on the Milan Model to Systemic Relational Therapy. Sept. 19th – 26th, 2012


–          Ackerman Institute, New York. The Milan Approach: Roots and Evolution. Lecture, June 28th, 2012.


–          International Association for the Study of Dreams. International Conference “Sailing on the Sea of Dreams”. “Dreaming Human Incompleteness” – Presentation. Berkeley (USA) June 2012


–          International Association for the Study of Dreams. International Conference “Sailing on the Sea of Dreams”.  “Dreaming with our Mind and Body to Create a Sustainable Community”– Morning Group led in coll. with Jean Campbell. Berkeley (USA) June 2012


–          International Association for the Study of Dreams. “Dreaming Together with Music  on the Subject of Water. ” IASD International Conference, Berkeley, USA June 2012.


–          School of Metaphysics. Approaching Spirituality and Creativity with the help of music and dreams” Windyville, Missouri, June 2012.


–         Pari Center for the New Learning. Workshop: “Music, Sacred and Science”, September 2011, Pari (Gr), Italy.



–         International Association for the Study of Dreams. International Conference “Sailing on the Sea of Dreams”. “Dreaming Together with Music on the Subject of Water” – Presentation. Berkeley (USA) June 2012



–         Università di Pavia. International Conference “Mind in Movement”. Presentation “The Creative Talent” – contributo. Pavia, November 25th 2011.



–         International Association for the Study of Dreams. “Where is Music, Where are Dreams, Where are We?” IASD International Conference, Rolduc, the Netherlands, June 27th, 2011



–         International Association for the Study of Dreams. Dancing, Dreaming and Drumming in the Maternal Womb” IASD International Conference, Kerkrade (NL) 25 Giugno 2011.



–         International Association for the Study of Dreams. “Dreams and Music: 10 common features and implications for creativity in psychotherapy and education.” IASD International Conference, Asheville (USA) 27 Giugno – 1 Luglio 2010.



–         Fondazione Simonetta Puccini – Istituto di Studi Pucciniani. DAY DEDICATED TO GIACOMO PUCCINI IN HIS 150° ANNIVERSARY: “GRACE AND GRATUITY IN ARTS” Presentation: “The creative, his inspiration, his stuff:: toward a high vision of creativity” Torre del Lago Puccini, December 20, 2008.